1-on-1 Class

A Class Designed Just for You.

Personalized Curriculum

Just came back from studying abroad in Korea? Need to communicate with your Korean in-laws? Want to watch K-dramas without subs?

Your instructor will design a unique curriculum to help you achieve your Korean learning goals.

Qualified Instructors Only

Our instructors all have professional training in education, teaching and/or language. Our instructors also have years of formal Korean teaching experience in institutional settings, including U.S. universities, K-12 schools, and language institutes.

Cutting-edge Teaching Materials

Our classes use the Anytime Korean curriculum and pedagogy, which was specially developed by professors of Korean language at American universities for non-heritage Korean learners.

The Anytime Korean curriculum includes textbooks, class slides, videos, and standardize assessments. It also includes the PIP Lang A.I.-assisted speaking practice platform, which gives our students access to unlimited speaking practice with instant A.I. feedback on accuracy and pronunciation.

Ready to get started? Here’s how!

Trial Lesson

40-minute session - $30

Get a taste of what a 1-on-1 class with a KOCO Center instructor is like! Trial Lessons include:

  • teacher introduction

  • consultation on your Korean language level and learning goals

  • 15-20 minute sample lesson based on your level

  • preview of the textbook and digital class materials

Read our Instructors’ Bios and book a trial lesson with them today!

Direct Booking

55-minute session - $50

When you’re ready to sign up for 1-on-1 classes on a regular basis, click on the button below!

Through our scheduling page, you can register for as many 1-on-1 classes at a time as you’d like. Schedule them as weekly recurring classes or customize the dates and times according to your upcoming calendar.

Reserve your times now to ensure that you can get the instructor you want and the schedule you need!

Free Consultation

20-minute session - No Cost

Not sure yet which program is right for you?

We’re happy to guide you!

Click the Contact Us button below and leave us a message.

A KOCO Center administrator will be in touch you right away.